PreK–12 Public Education

Our goal is to increase
the number of children
WHO graduate
from high school
with choices
for their

Our Work

We believe teachers are critically important and aim to strengthen the pipeline of well-prepared and supported teachers. In addition, we support initiatives that develop and sustain high quality schools that are accessible to all families.

Our Work In Action
How lessons from the past can help us build the future of education

How lessons from the past can help us build the future of education

US PREP Houston Learning Tour showcases collaborative strategies for strengthening the teacher workforce

US PREP Houston Learning Tour showcases collaborative strategies for strengthening the teacher workforce

Houston teachers step into the policy arena with Teach Plus advocacy training

Houston teachers step into the policy arena with Teach Plus advocacy training

Getting an up-close look at teacher apprenticeship programs

Getting an up-close look at teacher apprenticeship programs

Education Team